Modulu di commutazione statica monofase cù duale input 8KVA livellu di putenza 500map sts trasferimentu staticu
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The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

  • STS- 8KVA(32A)
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Modulu di commutazione statica monofase cù duale input 8KVA livellu di putenza 500map sts trasferimentu staticu

The STS static transfer switch is a product specially designed for key equipment requiring uninterrupted power supply, and a contactless electronic switch device designed to realize mutual backup and quick switchover between two AC power supplies. It allows automatic or manual switchover, and the switchover time is S4ms so that continuous power supply to key equipment can be ensured.

The technical characteristics of our company's STS static transfer switch:

◆ Adoptate un cuntrollu digitale cumpletu, strong anti-interference ability and fast operation speed.
◆Switching time <5ms, alta affidabilità; automatic and manual switching.
◆Forte capacità di sovraccarichi, can withstand full load boot.
◆With input over-voltage, sottu tensione, surtensione di uscita, sottu tensione, sopra temperatura, overload and other protection functions.
◆The front panel is equipped with a monitoring screen (no under 10KVA), and the status information is clear at a glance.


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